Howell Landscape / Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Take a look at what some of our customers have to say about Howell Landscape, Perrin Howell, his crew, and their work and service.

Testimonial Name City
Howell Landscaping did an extraordinary job on my new backyard. In the course of doing all my home improvement after buying a "Fixer-upper", the backyard was my last big project. Perrin and his crew came in and put in a beautiful yard. Now I can proudly entertain in my gorgeous new backyard. Todd P. Los Gatos, CA
Not only was the work that Howell Landscape did for me beautiful, but the whole process of working with perrin and his crew was a pleasure. Perrin gave me some great ideas on how to accent my yard and also suggested some great materials. As far as a recommendation goes, out of a possible 5-stars, my friends will hear my 5-star recommendation, but when they are over at my house, viewing the work will speak for itself. Chris P. Saratoga
When choosing a landscape company and its people, you want them to be honest, hardworking, competent, and a reasonable bid, among other things. After working with Perrin and his company, I can honestly say I got all that and more. Chelsi P. Los Altos Hills
Description of Work Photo City


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